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From organic to fossil and in-between: new estimates of energy consumption in the Swedish manufacturing industry during 1800–1913
Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Geography and Economic History, Economic history. Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Center for Environmental and Resource Economics (CERE).
Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Geography and Economic History, Economic history. Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre for Regional Science (CERUM).
2018 (English)In: Scandinavian Economic History Review, ISSN 0358-5522, E-ISSN 1750-2837, Vol. 66, no 1, p. 18-33Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In this article, new estimates of energy consumption in the Swedish manufacturing industry during 1800–1913 are used for interpreting the Swedish industrialisation process from an energy economic perspective. For one we conclude that the revision of previous estimates is substantial when it comes to manufacturing. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the increase of coal consumption, the expansion of the fossil or mineral energy system, to a high degree can be explained by the increased use of steam engines in manufacturing and the transport sector. Finally, we conclude that overall energy intensity patterns is largely determined by assumptions on household firewood consumption. A narrative interpretation of the interplay between energy system transformation and the industrialisation in Sweden concludes the article.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Routledge , 2018. Vol. 66, no 1, p. 18-33
Keywords [en]
Energy history, Sweden, industrialisation, coal, energy system
Keywords [sv]
Sverige, energihistoria, ekonomisk historia, industrialisering, industri
National Category
Economic History
Research subject
Economic History
URN: urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-139232DOI: 10.1080/03585522.2017.1401554ISI: 000434456000003Local ID: 881253OAI:, id: diva2:8692
RBJ "The limits to growth in a sustainable society" (Dnr P10-0701:1)Jan Wallander och Tom Hedelius stiftelse "Engines for sustainability"
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Dnr P10-0701:1Available from: 2019-01-25 Created: 2019-01-25 Last updated: 2019-01-25

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Lindmark, MagnusOlsson Spjut, Fredrik
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Economic historyCenter for Environmental and Resource Economics (CERE)Centre for Regional Science (CERUM)
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Scandinavian Economic History Review
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