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  • 1.
    Andersson, Sofia
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing.
    Lindqvist, Olav
    Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing. Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics/Division of Innovative Care, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Furst, Carl-Johan
    Brannstrom, Margareta
    Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing. Umeå University, Arctic Research Centre at Umeå University. Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University.
    Family members' experiences of care of the dying in residential care homes where the Liverpool Care Pathway was used2018In: International Journal of Palliative Nursing, ISSN 1357-6321, E-ISSN 2052-286X, Vol. 24, no 4, p. 194-202Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Residential care homes (RCHs) are increasingly becoming a common place of death for older people. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe family members' experiences of care of the dying in RCHs where the Liverpool care pathway for the dying patient was used.

    Methods: This study had a descriptive qualitative study design. Fifteen (n=15) individual interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis.

    Results: The analysis resulted in three themes: being confident in a familiar and warm atmosphere, being involved vs not being involved in end-of-life (EoL) care, and being consoled by witnessing the health professional's endeavour to relieve suffering.

    Significance of results: The results indicated that taking part in a care plan seems to increase family members' feelings of involvement in EoL care. This study also highlights the family members' needs for increased possibilities for EoL discussions with the GP.

  • 2. Arestedt, Kristofer
    et al.
    Alvariza, Anette
    Boman, Kurt
    Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine.
    Ohlen, Joakim
    Goliath, Ida
    Hakanson, Cecilia
    Furst, Carl Johan
    Brannstrom, Margareta
    Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing.
    Symptom Relief and Palliative Care during the Last Week of Life among Patients with Heart Failure: A National Register Study2018In: Journal of Palliative Medicine, ISSN 1096-6218, E-ISSN 1557-7740, Vol. 21, no 3, p. 361-367Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Heart failure is a disease with high morbidity, mortality, and physical and psychological burden. More knowledge about the care provided for patients with heart failure close to death is needed.

    Objective: The aim was to describe key aspects of palliative care during the last week of life in patients with heart failure, as reported by healthcare professionals.

    Design: This is a national register study.

    Setting/Subjects: The study included 3981 patients with diagnosed heart failure as the underlying cause of death.

    Measurements: Data were obtained from the Swedish Register of Palliative Care, a national quality register that focuses on patients’ last week of life, independent of diagnosis or care setting. The register includes information about care interventions connected with key aspects of palliative care. Data are reported retrospectively by a nurse or physician at the healthcare unit where the patient dies.

    Results: Only 4.2% of patients with heart failure received specialized palliative care. In their last week of life, symptom prevalence was high, validated scales were seldom used, and symptoms were unsatisfactorily relieved. Around one-fifth (17%) of the patients in the study died alone. Less than half of family members had been offered bereavement support (45%). Moreover, one-third (28%) of the patients and more than half (61%) of the family members were reported to have had end-of-life discussions with a physician during the illness trajectory.

    Conclusion: The results indicate inadequate palliative care for patients with heart failure during their last week of life.

  • 3.
    Björnström, Johan
    et al.
    Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing.
    Stenberg, Max
    Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing.
    Patienters erfarenheter av livet efter att ha drabbats av stroke: en kvalitativ litteraturstudie2021Student thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Patienters erfarenheter av livet efter att ha drabbats av stroke – en kvalitativ litteraturstudie


    Bakgrund: I Sverige drabbades omkring 25700 personer av stroke 2019. Ungefär 70% av de som överlever stroke drabbas av komplikationer som t.ex. trötthet, depression, smärta, fysiska komplikationer, svårigheter med att läsa, skriva, tala och minnesstörningar vilket kan leda till andra konsekvenser som t.ex. försämrad självständighet, förändrad identitet och social förlust.


    Syfte: Att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av livet efter att de drabbats av stroke.


    Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturstudie innehållande 12 artiklar som hittades genom sökningar i databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed analyserades med Fribergs femstegsmodell. 


    Resultat: Tre kategorier och 10 subkategorier identifierades. De tre kategorierna var: “Uppleva förlust”, “Sträva efter kontroll” och “Våga möta andra människor”. 


    Konklusion: Patienter som drabbats av en stroke upplever många utmaningar med både en förändrad kropp, förmåga att utföra meningsfulla aktiviteter, förändrade sociala roller och möjligheten att leva självständigt. Utmaningarna och komplikationer är ofta kopplade till en försämrad hälsa men acceptans och framsteg i återhämtning kan med tiden bidra till en förbättrad hälsa.

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