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Periods of converging carbon dioxide emissions from oil combustion in a pre-Kyoto context
Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Turkey.
Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economic History.
Number of Authors: 22016 (English)In: Environmental Development, ISSN 2211-4645, E-ISSN 2211-4653, Vol. 19, p. 1-9Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This paper examines convergence of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions caused by oil combustion for a panel of 86 countries considering the importance of analyzing sub-periods separately. The investigation also points at the necessity of choosing a restricted global sample, which takes into account, for instance, that Eastern Bloc countries reacted differently to increasing world crude oil prices than the rest of the world. The analysis builds on examining the β-convergence hypothesis in a neoclassical growth model setting with additional control variables such as emissions from combustion of solid fuels. The results reveal evidence in support of unconditional β-convergence of CO2 emissions intensity due to oil combustion in the restricted sample for the sub-periods 1973–1979 and 1979–1991, while no evidence for convergence was found for the post-1991, pre-Kyoto period. We could not find support for coal substituting technologies.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier , 2016. Vol. 19, p. 1-9
Keywords [en]
Carbon dioxide, Carbon convergence, Oil, Energy History
National Category
Economics Environmental Sciences
Research subject
Economic History
URN: urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-139452DOI: 10.1016/j.envdev.2016.06.005ISI: 000381625800001Local ID: 881251_881253OAI:, id: diva2:9282
Swedish Energy Agency Dnr. 2011-004694
Swedish Energy Agency, 2011-004694Available from: 2016-09-12 Created: 2019-02-11

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